36 research outputs found

    DYNAMIC LOT-SIZING PROBLEMS: A Review on Model and Efficient Algorithm

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    Due to their importance in industry, dynamic demand lot-sizing problems are frequently studied.This study consider dynamic lot-sizing problems with recent advances in problem and modelformulation, and algorithms that enable large-scale problems to be effectively solved.Comprehensive review is given on model formulation of dynamic lot-sizing problems, especiallyon capacitated lot-sizing (CLS) problem and the coordinated lot-sizing problem. Bothapproaches have their intercorrelated, where CLS can be employed for single or multilevel/stage, item, and some restrictions. When a need for joint setup replenishment exists, thenthe coordinated lot-sizing is the choice. Furthermore, both algorithmics and heuristics solutionin the research of dynamic lot sizing are considered, followed by an illustration to provide anefficient algorithm

    Developing an Ingredient Branding Strategy Applied to Pigmented Rice Commodity

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    Pigmented rice agroindustry has just started its market development, thus require a branding strategy. It may apply an ingredient branding strategy that can increase brand awareness and equity of pigmented rice by highlighting the ingredients. This paper discussed the developing strategy of pigmented rice products using the Customer-Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE). The brand awareness and loyalty survey was conducted to analyze the pigmented rice brand equity. The survey also explored branding media to increase consumers’ brand equity. The survey captured 261 respondents from various cities in Indonesia. The results of the t-test showed a significant difference between regular and occasional consumers. The CBBE diagnosis indicated that the producer should highlight antioxidants, anthocyanin, and other health benefits through advertising, word of mouth, health-related campaigns, and informative packaging

    Planting Scheduling of Organic Water Spinach (IpomoeaereptansPoir) Vegetables with Dynamic Simulationin CV. Tani Organik Merapi

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    One of vegetable commodity that has a high level of demand in Indonesia is water spinach (Ipomoeae reptans poir). Water spinach commodities are very important in improving people's welfare and improving farmers' income if done through good cultivation and techniques. One of the farming techniques in Indonesia that has good prospects is by organic cultivation. Organic water spinach producer in Yogyakarta is CV. Merapi Organic Farm. TOM must be able to maintain the availability of its products in order to be able to meet the demands of its customers. Therefore, this study is forecasting to find out how consumers demand organic water spinach and how to plan scheduling of organic water spinach. Forecasting is done by obtaining the most optimal ARIMA method for predicting organic kale is ARIMA (0,1,1). Based on the forecasting, it can be seen that the total demand for organic water spinach is 1128 kg. Planning for planting organic water spinach is done with a dynamic simulation, results for total amount of organic water spinach is 27297.6 plants and total land area is 225.6 m2

    Trend Analysis of Red Chili Price-Formation Models

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    Red chili’s characteristic flavor has been a popular element in Indonesian cuisine. A large and continuous demand for red chili is inconsistent with production volumes, causing frequent and extreme price fluctuations throughout the year. This study explores the changing trends in red chili prices to identify the influencing factors. The study was conducted in the Sleman district of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Time-series datasets of monthly production rates and prices of chili for 3 years were subject to multiple linear regression analysis. The study found a rising trend in prices in the Sleman Regency from January 2014 to December 2016. The factors significantly influencing the red chili prices was the price of cayenne pepper. The production cost of chili, the price of tomatoes, and the price of chili for the previous 2 months had only partial and nonsignificant effects. The timing of great Muslim celebrations, such as Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha had no significant effect on the price of red chili. However, Christmas and New Year events were associated with higher prices

    The Implementation of Activity-Based Costing on Black Rice Supply Chain in Sleman District, Yogyakarta

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    As the primary rice consumers, Indonesians, especially people in Yogyakarta, particular consumers progressively changed their carbohydrate intake from white rice to black rice because of human health benefits. Consequently, from 2015 to 2018, Yogyakarta black rice farm extended its arable land, production, and productivity to fulfill the demand. The research aims to help the actor of business to supervise the activities, wasting higher costs and reducing the profit by analyzing the logistics cost structure along the black rice supply chain with Activity-Based Costing (ABC). The results found that the highest cost proportion of farmers (63.57%), farmer groups (69.97%), and distributors (50.47%) take place in the material handling activity. In comparison, retailers spend most of the cost on inventory activity (64.29%)

    Value Chain Analysis on Pigmented Rice: A Case Study in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    White rice has become the main source of carbohydrates, but in the last few years, red and black rice are getting more popular. Red and black rice can be an alternative food for people who wish to reduce the risk of diabetics due to its low glycemic index. Pigmented rice demand in Yogyakarta is continuously increasing. However, farmers are reluctant to plant pigmented rice because of their lower yields. Value chain analysis on pigmented rice is performed to provide the condition of the business’ performance for farmers who are not willing to work on pigmented rice yet. The objective of this study was to identify the main activities and to measure the performance of the value chain. The value chain performance was measured by calculating profit, marketing margin, and farmer’s share. In the business of pigmented rice nowadays, there are 5 actors involved, i.e. farmer, farmers group, association of farmers groups, distributor, and retailer. These five actors formed 5 value chains for red rice and 4 value chains for black rice. The main activities were cultivating, cropping, milling, sorting out, packing, and selling. The performance of the pigmented rice was as follows: on the red rice value chain, farmers earned the highest profit in each chain, except on the chain where the association of farmers groups was involved. The largest marketing margin was found on the farmer – association of farmer groups – retailer – end-user consumer chain. On the black rice value chain, farmers earned the highest profit in each chain, except on the chain where the farmers group was involved. The largest marketing margin found on the farmer – farmers group – distributor – retailer – end-user consumer chain. For both the red and the black rice value chain, the farmer’s highest share was obtained on the farmers – distributor – end-user consumer chain

    Measurement of the Performance of the Sugar Cane Grinding Machine at the XYZ Sugar Factory

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    XYZ Sugar Factory is a sugar factory which has problems related to the effectiveness of the machines at the sugar cane milling station. This can be seen in the condition of machines that are outdated and in 2013 the level of machine downtime at milling stations tended to increase and exceeded the standard percentage set by the company for the last 3 months. Measurement of machine performance at this milling station uses the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method, which is then carried out by measuring six big losses to determine the amount of efficiency lost. From the six factors, it can be identified which factor of losses has the biggest contribution in influencing the level of machine effectiveness by using the Pareto diagram. The data used were data from 12 May - 10 November 2014. During that period, the availability value was 94.72%, the performance value was 90.31%, and the quality was 96.78%, so that the OEE value was 82.95%, which means has not met the best practice OEE value, which is at least 85%. The main factors that affect the effectiveness of the machine are idling and minor stoppages losses, namely the machine is idle due to the time waiting for the sugarcane to enter and the problem of machines outside the milling station

    Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Lokasi Agroindustri: Studi Industri Tahu di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) pada studi kelayakan pemilihan lokasi agroindustri dengan analisis finansial dan lingkungan belum banyak dilakukan, khususnya untuk kelayakan industri sekala kecil menengah di area permukiman. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat rancang bangun sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) pemilihan lokasi agroindustri dengan kombinasi analisis finansial dan spasial lingkungan. Studi dilakukan untuk penetapan lokasi industri tahu di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Penelitian dilakukan melalui tahapan perancangan context diagram, hierarchical input process output (HIPO), dan data flow diagram. Sistem dirancang dengan 2 desain antarmuka: untuk user (interface front end) dan antarmuka oleh admin (interface back end). Hasil penelitian adalah prototype aplikasi pendukung keputusan berbasis website bernama IFSS (Industrial Feasibility Support System) dengan alamat domain http://ifssugmku.com/. Pemilihan lokasi industri dengan kriteria finansial dan lingkungan dilakukan untuk menentukan lokasi yang paling sesuai bagi pendirian industri. Uji coba sistem menunjukkan Kabupaten Gunungkidul merupakan lokasi dengan hasil kelayakan finansial tertinggi dengan nilai NPV (Rp) 879.520.243, sementara Kabupaten Bantul dan Kulon Progo merupakan daerah dengan sebaran lokasi terpilih tertinggi dari analisis lingkungan menggunakan teknik overlay.  Verifikasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil perhitungan manual dengan hasil perhitungan aplikasi, serta membandingkan sebaran lokasi keberadaan 14 sampel industri tahu di DIY dengan hasil pemilihan lokasi secara spasial pada ArcGIS Pro. IFSS adalah aplikasi untuk membantu memberikan petimbangan pemilihan lokasi industri secara finansial dan lingkungan

    Rancang bangun Grader Untuk pemilahan Kualitas Buah Salak Pondoh

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    Grader salak pondoh telah selesai dirancang-bangun dan diuji coba untuk membantu para pedagang slak pondoh. Sifat-sifat fisik salak seperti diameter minor, diameter mayor, panjang, bentuk salak menjadi dasar utama dalam perancangan grader terutama bagian openingnya. Konstruksi grader terbuat dari besi siku, plat, dan bahan lainnya yang mudah diperoleh. Sebagai penggerak adalah elektromotor 1/4 HP yang tenaganya ditransmisikan melalui pulley-set dan exentric plate sampai ke meja pemilah. Hasil uji kinerja adalah, kecepatan kerja sekitar 400 Kg per jam (= 400% dibanding cara manual) dengan ketelitian 43% lebih tinggi dari pada cara manual. An electro-grader has been designed, built-up, and tested for the help of salak trader. Physical characteristics â such as minor-diameter, mayor-diameter. length, and shape of salak has been used for designing the grader especially for opening part. The equipment was constructed using, rectangular metal plate. and other materials that are easily obtained. A 1/4 HP electrical motor was used to rotate vibrates grading table through pulleyset transmission. Results show that working speed st about 400 kg per hour (=400% compared with manual and accuracy 43% above the manual method). Kata kunci: grader salak pondo